Why is freedom so important? Why freedom is so Important? The word F r e e d o m is a condition to people of which they have opportunity to sprak, act and pursue their happiness and ther own business. Without this " Freedom " we are unnrcessary to do anything like external restrictions. Freedom is so important that this leads to enchanced expression of creativity and original thoughts, increased of your own productivity, to do whatever you want in life and a good quality of your life. Thank you for your time...
What is the message of the proverb Don not put off for tomorrow what you can do for today ? (5 sentences) The proverb is simply saying that we need to not limit ourselves. It also gives us a message to live in the present. Why would you schedule to do things tomorrow? When you can achieve it today. Remember that you only live once. Do what you need to do now cause what if tomorrow never comes.
How to explain a beautiful view Answer: you can say that one place is beautiful when you can enjoy the sorroundings not only the view but also the feeling of being relaxed as well as enjoying the company of the place Explanation:
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